Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Aircraft Control Surfaces

Aircraft Control Surfaces

Aircraft Control Surfaces - There is an additional increment due to the downward component of the momentum of the jet. Experiments with such a device have produced very high lift coefficients. Some aircraft designs incorporate combinations of the fowler and slotted flaps to greatly increase the lift and drag of the wing. When the flap is initially extended, it moves aft on its track. Once past a certain point on the track, further aft movement is accompanied by a downward deflection which opens up the slot between the flap and the wing. Many jet transport aircraft use this basic design with several slot openings being used to improve the airflow over the wing and flap surfaces.

Aileron control systems operated by the pilot through mechanical connections require the use of balancing mechanisms so that the pilot can overcome the air loads imposed on the ailerons during flight. Balancing of the ailerons can be achieved by extending part of the aileron structure ahead of the hinge line and shaping this area so

Aircraft Control Surfaces

Nasa Armstrong Fact Sheet: X-29 Advanced Technology Demonstrator Aircr |  Nasa

Other surfaces fall in a group termed high-lift devices which includes flaps, slats and slots. These allow the lift and drag characteristics of the aircraft wing to be changed to allow-slow speed flight for takeoff and landing and high-speed flight for cruising.

Spoilers And Air Brakes

Elevators are the control surfaces which govern the movement (pitch) of the aircraft around the lateral axis. They are normally attached to hinges on the rear spar of the horizontal stabilizer. The construction of an elevator is similary to that of other control surfaces, and the design of the elevator may be unbalanced or balanced aerodynamically and/or statically.

Slots are openings between the different segments of the flaps. They are aerodynamic features that allow air to flow from beneath the wing to its upper surface. The bigger the surface of the trailing-edge flaps deployed, the more slots are needed.

The construction of the control surfaces is similar to that of the stabilizers; however, the movable surfaces usually are somewhat lighter in construction. They often have a spar at the forward edge to provide rigidity and to this spar are attached the ribs and the covering. Hinges for attachment are also secured to the spar. Where it is necessary to attach tabs to the trailing edges of control surfaces, additional structure is added to provide for transmission of the tab loads to the surface.

Trailing edge flaps extend and move downwards on the back of the wing. Leading-edge flaps move out and forward on the front of the wing. However, the leading-edge flaps and slats are not individually controlled but respond to the movement of the trailing edge flaps.

Flight Control Surface Assembly Bensmann; Stefan [Airbus Operations Gmbh]

Primary And Secondary Surfaces

Controls Too Sensitive? Many a builder is dismayed to learn how sensitive the controls are in his homebuilt. The embarrassing consequence being that the pilot over-controls in spite of himself and causes the airplane to behave more like a porpoise than an arrow in flight.

Another method which may be used is to place a weight ahead of the hinge line to counteract the flight loads. This is known as static balancing. Some aircraft may use a combination of these techniques. Aircraft such as jet transports use hydraulically operated ailerons and may not employ these forms of balancing. If the transport control system is designed to allow the pilot to operate the ailerons without hydraulic assistance, then some method of balancing or control by control tabs is used.

Flaps are located on the trailing edge of each wing, usually between the fuselage and the ailerons, and extend downward (and often outward) from the wing when put into use. The purpose of the flaps is to generate more lift at slower airsp … more

Spoilers and air brakes are used to reduce the lift and slow down the aircraft. They are used on approach and after landing. Spoilers are small panels hinged on the upper surface of the wing and decrease lift by disrupting the airflow.

Did You Know

Spoilers, also called “lift dumpers” are control surfaces which are used to reduce or “spoil” the lift on a wing. Spoilers are located on the upper surface of wings and are one of two basic configurations. The more common configuration on jet transports, is to have a flat panel spoiler laying flush with the surface of the wing and hinged at the forward edge.

The control surfaces are all the dynamic parts on an aircraft that can be manipulated to steer the plane during flight. They are divided into primary and secondary control surfaces. The primary ones on a fixed-wing aircraft include the ailerons, elevators, and rudder. These are responsible for directing the aircraft.

Flight Controls On An Airplane 🔴🔴🔴

The fundamental reason for the breakaway is that the boundary layer becomes sluggish over the rear part of the wing section, flowing as it is against the pressure gradient. The formation of a shock wave makes matters worse; the speed in the boundary layer is still subsonic which means that pressure can be transmitted up stream, causing the boundary layer to thicken and, if the pressure rise is too steep, to break away from the surface. Now vortex generators are small plates or wedges, projecting an inch or so from the top surface of the wing, i.e. three or four times the thickness of the boundary layer.

In the early days experiments were made which revealed that, if left to itself, the slat would move forward of its own accord. So automatic slots came into their own; in these the slat is moved by the action of air pressure, i.e. by making use of that forward and upward suction near the leading edge. The opening of the slot may be delayed or hastened by ‘vents’ at the trailing or leading edge of the slat respectively, and there may be some kind of spring or tensioning device to prevent juddering, which may be otherwise likely to occur.

Trim Tab

Other aircraft have the ailerons operating asymmetrically; that is, the upward-moving aileron moves further than the downward moving aileron. This asymmetrical operation is used in some aircraft designs to reduce the amount of rudder pressure required when making turns.

The value of the slot in maintaining a smooth airflow over the top surface of the wing can be materially enhanced by blowing air through the gap between slat and wing; this may be called a blown slot.

It is also used in order to 'slip' and direct the trajectory of the plane before landing during a heavy crosswind approach. The rudder is usually controlled by the left and right rudder pedals in the cockpit.

Elevator: The elevator is the small moving section on the trailing edge of the horizontal tail surface that controls pitch.  Moving the elevator up decreases the amount of lift generated by the horizontal tail surface and pitches the nose up, causing the airplane to climb.  Moving the elevator down increases the amount of lift generated by the horizontal tail surface and pitches the nose down, causing the airplane to dive.

How It Works: Fly-By-Wire - Aopa

Krueger Flap

One of the major breakthroughs of the Wright brothers was their ability to control roll in their aircraft. The 1903 Wright Flyer didn’t have ailerons, so roll control was provided by a unique idea they called wing warping. Wilbur hit upon this idea while twisting a cardboard box from a bicycle inner tube as he chatted with a customer in the brothers’ shop. The tips of the wings were twisted (warped) like the box by a series of pulleys and cables.

Flight spoilers are used in flight to reduce the amount of lift that the wing is generating to allow controlled descents without gaining excessive air speed. Depending on the aircraft design, the spoilers may also be operated by the pilot’s control wheel or stick. When the pilot moves the control left or right for a roll movement, the spoilers on the wing toward the centre of the turn (upward-moving aileron) move upward and aid in rolling the aircraft into the turn. In some aircraft designs, the spoilers are the primary flight control for roll.

Use The Correct Hardware A separated control connection in flight can result in frightening if not disastrous consequences. Having controllable trim tabs but lacking the skill and luck needed to effect some control with them, in such an emergency, may only prolong the inevitable.

This provides aft-section displacement proportional to forward-section displacement, thus increasing the aerodynamic efficiency of the rudders. Trim and control tabs are not required with this type of rudder design because their functions are performed by the aft sections of the rudder.

Balance Tab

A wing flap is defined as hinged, pivoted, or sliding airfoil, usually attached near the trailing edge of the wing. The purpose of wing flaps is to change the camber of the wing and in some cases to increase the area of the wing, thus permitting the aircraft to operate at lower flight speeds for landing and takeoff. The flaps effectively increase the lift of the wings and, in some cases, greatly increase the drag, particularly when fully extended.

Just the mere fact that an aircraft can get off the ground and stay in the air is an engineering miracle that we often take for granted. While the fixed parts of the fuselage, wings, and stabilizers are essential, the real finesse in maneuvering a jetliner comes from the dynamic parts attached to them - the flight control surfaces. Let's take a look at what they are and how they work.

Airbus A380 Passenger Airliner Shows Its Underside And Flight Control  Surfaces During A Clean Pass From Right To Left Stock Photo - Alamy

The term trim tabs describes small secondary flight-control surfaces set into the trailing edges of the primary control surfaces. Tabs are used to reduce the work load required to hold the aircraft in some constant attitude by “loading” the control surface to a neutral or trimmed-center position.

Another method for providing a leading-edge flap is to design an extendable surface known as the Krueger flap that ordinarily fits smoothly into the lower part of the leading edge. When the flap is required, the surface extends forward and downward.

Hydraulic Circuit

Their purpose is to put new life into a sluggish boundary layer; this they do by shedding small lively vortices which act as scavengers, making the boundary layer turbulent and causing it to mix with and acquire extra energy from the surrounding faster air, thus helping it to go farther along the surface before being slowed up and separating from the surface.

If you only install control stops at the flight control surfaces you may, during some exciting moment, apply so much pressure to the rudder pedals or control stick that you might overstress and fail the linkage or one of the control surfaces.

The Falco I built had one of the longest control sticks (sort of like a brake lever on a buckboard) ever to grace a homebuilt . . . consequently, there never was any risk in my overcontrolling that beauty. Even so, there were some folks who thought it was too sensitive. Maybe so, compared to a sedate Wichita "Chug-a-long," but not compared to most any high performance homebuilt.

Blown and jet flaps are in a class of their own since they depend on power to produce the blowing, and this may be a serious disadvantage in the event of power failure. The true jet flap isn’t a flap at all, but simply an efflux of air, or a jet stream in the form of a sheet of air ejected under pressure at or near the trailing edge of the aerofoil. This helps to control the boundary layer, and if the sheet of air can be deflected the reaction of the jet will also contribute directly to the lift.

Control Surfaces On The Wing Of A Commercial Aircraft Stock Photo - Alamy

The Ailerons

Ailerons for light aircraft are usually constructed with a single spar to which ribs are attached. The majority of currently manufactured aircraft are of all-metal construction with aluminium alloy skin riveted or bonded to the internal structure.

Hitherto the conventional explanation was that, since the slot connects the high-pressure region on the lower surface of a wing to the relatively low-pressure region on the top surface, it therefore acts as a blowing type of boundary-layer control. This explanation is to be found in a large number of technical reports and textbooks, and as such is one of the most widespread misconceptions in aerodynamics.

About Those Flaps The beneficial gain in lift coefficient realized with the deployment of flaps appears to peak when flaps are lowered as much as 40 degrees. A maximum flap travel of 45 degrees, therefore, should be the set limit for full flaps because flap drag increases rapidly beyond that recommended 40 degree deflection.

While flaps are generally located on the trailing edge of a wing, they can also be placed on the leading edge. Leading edge flaps are normally used only on large transport-category aircraft that need large amounts of additional lift for landing. A leading-edge flap is a high-lift device which reduces the severity of the pressure peak above the wing at high angles of attack. This enables the wing to operate at higher angles of attack than would be possible without the flap.

Slats And Slots

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Aircraft In The Vietnam War

Aircraft In The Vietnam War

Aircraft In The Vietnam War - The Marines took a few M-48s ashore when they landed at Da Nang in March 1965, and throughout the course of the war, hundreds of Patton tanks would be deployed across South Vietnam. Although there were few tank-to-tank battles, the Pattons served well as infantry support vehicles.

With a top speed of around 30 MPH, and a standard 90 mm gun (with some variant using a flamethrower), the Pattons proved capable in Army and Marine Corps service. Despite the often uncooperative and non-ideal terrain, the U.S.

Aircraft In The Vietnam War

F-8 Crusader Units Of The Vietnam War (Osprey Combat Aircraft) |

military deployed a significant number of tanks, armored personnel carriers (APCs), and other heavy vehicles during the war. APCs provided soldiers with protection, mobility, and increased firepower. Tanks were used in both urban and rural operations, and provided heavy support to many troops.

Perhaps the two most common and most effective armored vehicles to serve in the American military during the war were the M-48 Patton tank and the M-113 Armored Personnel Carrier. The North Vietnamese also made use of Soviet manufactured armor, but their usage of tanks was heavily limited by overwhelming American airpower until the U.S.

withdrew in 1973. The concept behind the SR-71 was simple, yet exceptionally brave and ambitious: build a long-range strategic reconnaissance aircraft capable of speeds in excess of Mach 3.0, with a reduced radar cross-section to help it evade detection by the enemy.

Designed by Clarence "Kelly" Johnson of Lockheed's Skunk Works Division, the SR-71 if anything exceeded expectations. The Vietnam War is typically remembered as a ground conflict with an aerial component—rarely is much thought given to the naval operations around the war.

But they happened, they were important, and the Lockheed P-3 Orion played a significant role in them. The U.S. Navy operated a number of small craft on the rivers and waterways of the Mekong Delta. The most common and most memorialized today were the Patrol Boat, River, or PBRs.

These small boats served in Vietnam from around 1966 until the end of 1971 when U.S. forces were nearing the end of their mission. Patrolling the vast delta, PBR crews were involved in security and patrol operations in addition to broader coordination with land units including the insertion and extraction of special forces.

PBRs typically carried twin forward mounted .50 caliber machine guns, along with a 40 mm grenade launcher and additional machine guns in the rear or on the side. While crews usually numbered around four enlisted men, the boats were a key part of the "brown water navy" that patrolled Vietnam.

Powered by twin General Electric J85 turbojet engines, the Dragonfly could hit fast and hard with a combat radius of 460 miles. Relatively maneuverable, it proved perfect for darting in to hit difficult ground targets ahead of advancing infantry and armor.

While armed with a single .308 caliber GAU-2B/A minigun mounted in the nose, its real punch came from the various gun pods, rocket pods, missiles, and bombs it carried on the eight hard points under its wings.

How A U.s. Navy F-4 Phantom Ii Crew Scored The 197Th, And Last, Mig Kill Of  The Vietnam War - The Aviation Geek Club

While it slowly faded from prominence after the war ended, the A-37's role should not be forgotten. What made the aging warbird so successful was in its ability to carry an immense amount of weapons, coupled with its ability to stay over the battlefield for extended periods of time.

The Skyraider provided close-air support to ground forces, attacked enemy supply lines and even protected helicopters during rescue missions by patrolling the skies while being able to quickly strike at enemy units on the ground. M-113s often worked alongside M-48s, and both were often found traveling in convoys down the roads of South Vietnam.

The M-113 proved itself as a reliable workhorse, as upgraded variants of the vehicle remain in active service with the U.S. military. The M-113s were fielded in a number of different variants, including service as anti-aircraft, flamethrower, mortar, medical vehicles.

However, the APC's primary role was to move troops under protection from small-arms fire, with the capacity to carry eleven passengers inside. A two-bladed single-engine attack helicopter, the AH-1 Cobra ushered in a new world of warfare, in which helicopter gunships would provide close support as weapons platforms to obliterate enemy positions and vehicles.

This concept proved powerful—the US military still makes extensive use of attack helicopters, and variants of the AH-1 remain in service with the United States Marine Corps. Cessna is not a name normally associated with military aircraft, but the A-37 Dragonfly filled a role that became increasingly critical over the course of the Vietnam War.

The terrain of Vietnam—hills and jungle—meant that close air support was vital to American and ARVN success. Thus military minds on both sides began to explore ways to make that support faster and more accurate. One of the end results was the creation of light ground attack aircraft like the A-37 Dragonfly.

In conjunction with the engineers at Sikorsky, the CH-53 was designed to meet that need. Powered by twin General Electric T64-GE-413 turboshaft engines, the CH-53 has a top speed of 196 miles per hour and a combat radius of over a hundred miles, depending on the payload and configuration.

Twin door-mounted .50 caliber machine guns provided the armament in order to clear the field for the payload of up to 55 troops. Used most often in Vietnam to recover downed aircraft or evacuate troops from the battlefield, this war bird is an icon of the USMC's part in that war.

The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 was a supersonic fighter designed and produced in the Soviet Union that entered service at the beginning of the 1960s. The MiG-21 was the most modern fighter used by the North Vietnamese during the war, and its agility made it a threat to heavier American fighter-bombers.

The Vietnam People's Air Force (the air force of North Vietnam) never developed into a serious threat during the war, and was constantly outgunned and outnumbered by the combined American air forces. Nevertheless, the North Vietnamese did make successful attacks on American warplanes throughout the war, using planes like the MiG-17, MiG-19, and MiG-21, and their Chinese variants.

Ai Combat Vietnam War Interactive Planes Collection - Military Fixed-Wing  1946 And After - Forum

Operating with a crew of three, the CH-47 Chinook can carry up to 55 troops or a total takeoff weight of 50,000 lbs. This is due to its tandem rotor design, as well as its engines.

Two Lycoming T55-GA0714A turboshafts provide nearly 5,000 horsepower each. With a maximum speed of up to 196 miles per hour and a combat radius of 230 miles, the CH-47's transport capabilities were unmatched at the time.

Armed with up to three 7.62 mm machine guns, it could also pack quite a punch if it came under fire. Operational from 1966 through the end of the Vietnam war, the CH-47 Chinook is a highly notable aircraft from the era.

The Republic F-105 Thunderchief made its debut just before full US involvement in the war in Vietnam in 1958. Designed to supplant the aging F-86 Saber fighters then still in service with US and Australian forces, the F-105 was a big step

forward for its day. Introduced at the end of the 1950s, the M60 was a belt-fed light machine gun that fired a 7.62 mm round. The M60's operation was usually a team effort: while one solider carried the weapon, and one solider could operate as an assistant gunner, most other men in a rifle squad could carry ammunition for the M60.

The gun was not without problems, though – the tropical climate of Vietnam took a toll on the weapon, and its bulky design proved troublesome for many soldiers. However, the M60 ultimately proved effective, and was used in infantry units and as a mounted gun on helicopters, patrol boats, and vehicles throughout Vietnam.

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have made IEDs part of our common terminology, but improvised explosive devices were just as common in Vietnam. While the Vietnamese did make use of punji spikes and other primitive (yet effective) traps, rigged explosives were incredibly common and were frequent killers of American troops.

Grenades, mines, artillery rounds – all could be adapted for use as a trap through simple tripwires or pressure plates. Frequently, unexploded American ordinance was used to build these traps. Booby traps were a serious danger for many U.S.

soldiers, and wounded or killed thousands. North Vietnam started the war with a number of disadvantages including the lack of sufficient air power to take the fight into enemy airspace. To meet that need, they turned to other Communist nations, chiefly the Soviet Union, for aid.

Part of that aid was the Mikoyen-Gurevich MiG-17, which may have helped them hold on until better aircraft became available. The museum displays six examples of the Skyhawk. An A-4E (Bureau Number 149656) suspended in the Quarterdeck honors Attack Squadrons (VA) 163 and 164. Four examples of the A-4 (Bureau Numbers 150076, 154217, 154983, and 155033) form the diamond formation suspended in the Blue

This Pilot Escaped The Vietnam War On A 'Borrowed' Plane -

Angel Atrium. Displayed on the flight line behind the museum, A-4A (Bureau Number 137813) is the first non-prototype Skyhawk delivered to the Navy. Although one gun rarely makes the difference in a battle, for the individual soldier it can often be a matter of life or death.

The Vietnam War saw the deployment of two of the most famous and most produced rifles of all time: the AK-47 and the M16. These assault rifles have continued to play a major part in modern warfare today, decades after their introduction.

Additionally, the M60 machine gun proved an incredibly useful weapon for many American troops during the war and offered soldiers heavier firepower than their standard rifles could provide In 1947, Soviet weapon designer Mikhail Kalashnikov produced a new variant of an automatic assault rifle.

The Automatic Kalashnikov, model year 1947, was readily adopted by the Soviet military and was quickly used by most members of the Warsaw Pact. The AK-47 fires a 7.62 mm cartridge, and has become one of the most widely proliferated weapons in the world, thanks to its reliability under harsh conditions, cheap manufacturing cost, and the ease with which soldiers can be trained on its use.

During the Vietnam War, both the Viet Cong and the People's Army of Vietnam (the North Vietnamese Army) made heavy use of the weapon, thanks to support from the Soviet Union and from the People's Republic of China.

In Vietnam, the P-3 Orion saw extensive action during Operation Market Time, the effort to cut off resupply by sea to the Viet Cong and other enemy forces. While the P-3 Orion spent most of its time flying missions from bases in the Philippines and Vietnam over the coastal waters of the latter nation, it did occasionally participate in "feet-dry" missions over land.

With only one combat loss during this delicate operation, the P-3 Orion is one of the under-sung heroes of the Vietnam war. Nearly 3,000 A-4s were produced between 1956 to 1979, their service including assignment to front line squadrons, duty as aggressor aircraft and the role of advanced trainers, the latter aircraft designated TA-4s and including two-seat cockpits.

During the years 1974-1986, the A-4 also equipped the Blue Angels Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron. All told, over 20 versions of the Skyhawk were delivered to the U.S. military and air forces of foreign nations, including Israel and Argentina, which took the aircraft into combat during the Arab/Israeli Wars and the Falkland Islands War respectively.

The designers built the F-105 around a well-established powerplant: the Pratt & Whitney J75 afterburning turbojet engine. Capable of delivering 24,500 lbf of thrust with the afterburner engaged, the F-105's top speed of Mach 2.08 is still competitive among current fighter aircraft.

The armament was no slouch, either. A 20mm M61A1 Vulcan cannon in the nose supplemented the array of bombs and missiles that could be affixed to any of the 5 hardpoints underneath the aircraft, including the internal bomb bay.

Vietnam War U.s. Planes | In This Handout From The Dept. Of … | Flickr

So whether equipped with missiles like the AIM-9 Sidewider or bombs for close ground support, the F-105 was a big step forward in what military aircraft could be. The communist forces in Vietnam weren't the only ones to recognize the advantages of a propeller driven bush plane.

US military and intelligence forces used them as well for accessing the more remote and inhospitable terrain of Southeast Asia. To fill that role, they turned to an old friend, the de Havilland Canada Beaver. First introduced in 1948, the Beaver is powered by a single Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Jr.

radial engine, which allows it a top speed of 158 miles per hour and a range of over 450 miles. The plane of many names, the Lockheed AC-130 is a kind of military aircraft rarely spotted in the skies anymore: an armored long-range ground-attack gunship.

A variant of the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft, also designed by Lockheed, the AC-130 was a fearsome sight over any battlefield. Particularly if you were an enemy combatant. A big, ugly, flying fortress, the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress was designed and introduced in the early 1950s.

Powered by eight turbojet engines, during the war B-52s were capable of massive aerial bombardment, frequently carrying payloads in the tens of thousands of pounds. Operating out of Guam and Thailand, B-52 strikes were carried out as part of Operations Rolling Thunder, Arc Light, and Linebacker I/II.

Airstrikes by B-52 bombers during Vietnam remain some of the most ferocious aerial bombardments in the history of warfare. The plane itself remains active in the U.S. Air Force today, one of the longest serving aircraft in the U.S.

military. A heavy-lift cargo helicopter, the Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion is another iconic military helicopter. In service with US forces from 1966 to the present, there are upgraded and updated variations still in production. The CH-53 Sea Stallion is a product of the Vietnam War, during which the United States Marine Corp saw a need for a heavy-duty transport and cargo helicopter.

Slated for retirement, this Vietnam War aircraft got a new lease on life when its unique capabilities proved perfect for the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. It seems that these mighty war birds may keep flying for some time yet.

Vietnam's long coastline and navigable waterways gave the U.S. Navy plenty of opportunities to contribute to the war effort. The U.S. Navy operated a number of aircraft carriers offshore to provide air support for troops in South Vietnam and to attack targets in the North.

The heavy guns of cruisers and destroyers could provide sustained artillery fire near the shore, and in the Mekong Delta, Navy patrol craft provided security and engaged with Viet Cong forces. The U.S. Navy also provided helicopter support, medical assistance, logistical administration, and a number of other services during the war, but the role of carriers and patrol boats are worth exploring in greater detail.

Timeline Details | Vietnam War Commemoration

The air war over Vietnam did lead to a few dogfights but these were relatively few and far between: the skies were dominated by American warplanes, which gave the U.S. a great advantage over the North Vietnamese.

From fighters to heavy bombers, the United States wielded an array of aircraft that rained devastation, but also conducted reconnaissance, transport, medical evacuation, and supply operations. Although many warplanes served in Vietnam, the F-4 Phantom and B-52 Stratofortress remain two of the most prominent.

While the North Vietnamese primarily built air defenses, planes like the MiG-21 occasionally struck at American airmen. During the war, a wide variety of equipment was used, far too much to cover here. Instead, you will find a few of the more important weapons used during the war and a small description of each.

Additionally, the guerilla nature of the Viet Cong troops and the non-uniformity of many North Vietnamese forces makes it difficult to speak of their equipment in comparison to the United States. However, it is important to note that the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong did use advanced weapon systems during the war, even if these weapons were used in a limited way and alongside more traditional weapons.

While China's involvement in the Vietnam War is a complex mess of politics and culture, complicated further by the relationship between Hoa Chi-Minh and Mao Tse-Tung, some Chinese military aid did make it to North Vietnam to play a role in that conflict.

The Shenyang J-6 was part of that. Based on the MiG-19, which the Chinese admired for its agility and turn ability, the Shenyang J-6 went into production in 1958. Described as a “flying anachronism,” the single-seat Douglas A-1 Skyraider–affectionately known as the Spads, after the French wood-and-wire World War I fighter–proved that a piston-powered, propeller-driven attack aircraft still

had a place in the jet age. The aircraft, which entered service in the late 1940s, provided close-air support for American and South Vietnamese troops during the Vietnam War. Nicknamed the "Balalaika" by its pilots for its odd resemblance to the musical instrument, the MiG-21 straddles the line between second and third generation jet fighters.

So while specs and armament vary, in general the MiG-21s of the Vietnam War were powered by a single Tumansky R25-300 afterburner-capable engine. These delivered a top speed of Mach 2.0 and a service range of 751 miles.

Armed with a 23mm GSH-23 cannon, the MiG-21 could carry either missiles or rocket pods, depending on the configuration and the desired payload range. These aircraft performed so well that the Vietnam People's Air Force did not fully retire them until 2015—a testament to the design and its operators.

The Vought F-8 Crusader was designed to fill an interesting role—a supersonic carrier-based air superiority jet aircraft armed with guns or cannons. It was the final American fighter jet to use these as its primary armament, earning it the nickname "The Last of the Gunfighters".

Although hardpoints were later added for mounting missiles, the name is well earned.

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Aircraft Carrier Vs Cruise Ship

Aircraft Carrier Vs Cruise Ship

Aircraft Carrier Vs Cruise Ship - The U.S. The Navy currently has 69 submarines. It recently signed a contract for a block purchase of nine Virginia-class, nuclear-powered attack submarines that will be equipped with the Virginia Payload Module to boost each vessel's Tomahawk cruise missile carrying capacity by about 75 percent.

“The biggest challenge for the U.S. national security leaders over the next 30 years is the speed and sustainability of the [People's Republic of China] national effort to deploy a global navy," said retired Capt. James Fanell, who previously served as head of intelligence for the Pacific Fleet.

Aircraft Carrier Vs Cruise Ship

Gerald R. Ford-Class Aircraft Carrier - Wikipedia

A New Orleans native, James Linn first became involved with the institution then known as The National D-Day Museum in 2001 as an eighth-grade volunteer on weekends and during the summer. Linn joined The National WWII Museum staff in 2014 and served as a Curator until 2020.

The Pentagon's China report noted that Beijing “remains engaged in a robust surface combatant construction program, producing new guided-missile cruisers (CG), guided-missile destroyers (DDG) and guided-missile frigates (FFG) which will significantly upgrade the [PLA Navy's] air defense, anti-ship and anti-submarine capabilities.”

After all, the Navy expects to decommission the first 11 Ticos between 2022 and 2026. The balance of the class will leave the fleet shortly thereafter. The new DDG(X), a de facto cruiser, cannot possibly join the fleet before the mid-2030s.

"Given the past 20-year trajectory of PRC naval ship construction, the PRC's expressed desire and ability to continue to increase its spending on naval shipbuilding, the cost advantages its shipbuilding industry enjoys compared to foreign naval shipyards and Chinese shipbuilders' continued trend of indigenous

technical mastery of complex designs and systems integration, I expect the PLA navy will continue to surpass the U.S. Navy in the number of warships built for the foreseeable future,” Fanell said during remarks at the Hudson Institute last year.

How Big Is Big? - Titanic And Yamamoto, Famously Huge, Were Far From The  Largest Ships Put To Sea. | Titanic, Titanic Ship, Maersk Line

“This amounts to a fundamental shift in the maritime power environment within that critical region from one dominated by U.S. military power to something approaching an unstable balance between the U.S. and allied forces on the one hand and Chinese forces on the other," he added.

"Although larger amphibious ships such as the ... Type 075 would be of value for conducting amphibious landings in Taiwan-related conflict scenarios, some observers believe that China is building such ships as much for their value in conducting other operations, such as operations for asserting

and defending China's [territorial] claims in the South and East China Seas,” O'Rourke said. "We're going to continue to refine the requirements on that ... [and] look at the capabilities that we want to bring into that," Galinis said.

“Think bigger, longer-range weapons, more computing power, more electrical power on that ship.” Indeed, over time the term "cruiser" more or less has become synonymous with the air-defense commander role. In the Navy, for as long as almost anyone in the fleet can remember, cruisers do ADC and the ADC job goes to cruisers.

A third Chinese carrier is under construction, and a fourth may begin construction as early as 2021. These future vessels may have a displacement of 80,000 tons to 85,000 tons and be equipped with electromagnetic catapults rather than a ski ramp, which will improve the range and

payload capability of the fixed-wing aircraft. After the aerial attack from Japanese carriers on Pearl Harbor, construction on new, big-gunned vessels like battleships was significantly scaled back or outright cancelled. Out of all the newly authorized or under construction battleships for the US Navy, only four Iowa-class, four South Dakota-class, and none of the Montana-class ships entered service after December 7, 1941. Time and technology had caught up with

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battleships. The aircraft carrier now forms the backbone of naval fleets moving forward. However, this left the six authorized Alaska-class cruisers, and a dilemma on what to do with them. In September, China launched the first of a new class of amphibious assault ships called the Type 075 that has an estimated displacement of 30,000 to 40,000 tons, compared to 44,000 tons for the U.S.

Navy's America class. "It will be something that serious naval powers will have to address in the future because the technology is enabling new capabilities," Childs said. "If you're not part of that game, then you're going to be seriously handicapped."

While the primary mission of a cruiser was to escort the US Navy's new fast carrier task forces and protect them against enemy surface combatants or aircraft, the Alaska's were not your typical cruisers. With the naval rearmament of the German Kriegsmarine in the 1930s with its small, but potent force of commerce raiders including ships like the Scharnhorst, and the rumored but unconfirmed new battlecruisers of the Imperial Japanese Navy, there were worries in Washington that the US Navy would

not have an answer for these ships, and could be vulnerable. The Alaska's were the US Navy's answer to these potential foes. But platforms aren't the only part of the equation when it comes to measuring naval power, experts note.

Weapon systems — enabled by sensors, communications networks, well-trained sailors and sound operating concepts — are also critical. China and the United States are both developing and fielding new missiles and other advanced weaponry, and the race is on to see who can pack the most punch.

“By comparison, U.S. Navy aircraft carriers are nuclear powered — giving them greater cruising endurance than a conventionally powered ship — have a full-load displacement of about 100,000 tons, can accommodate air wings of 60 or more aircraft … and launch their fixed-wing aircraft … using catapults,

Stunning Moment Huge Queen Elizabeth Ships Meet For The First Time In Moray  Firth | The Scottish Sun

which can give those aircraft a range/payload capability greater than that of aircraft launched with a ski ramp.” Due to the uniqueness of the Alaska-class design, these ships were not classified "CA" as typical for heavy cruisers, but instead "CB" for large cruiser.

Also, as a nod to their not-quite-battleship, not-quite-cruiser roots, instead of being named after US states or cities, the ships were named after US territories with the USS Alaska (CB-1) being the first. The rest of the class would be the USS Guam (CB-2), USS Hawaii (CB-3), USS Philippines (CB-4), USS Puerto Rico (CB-5), and USS Samoa (CB-6).

"Observers have expressed strong concerns about China's ASBMs, because such missiles — in combination with broad-area maritime surveillance and targeting systems — would permit China to attack aircraft carriers, other U.S. Navy ships, or ships of allied or partner navies operating in the Western Pacific,” he said in a recent CRS report titled,

However, there was a battle raging against Japanese kamikaze suicide planes, and both ships would prove to be formidable air defense platforms in the air battles around Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Unfortunately, kamikaze strikes still occur at an alarming rate against the US fleet.

When the aircraft carrier USS Franklin (CV-13) was hit by Japanese bombs on March 19, 1945, it was the Alaska and Guam, along with several other ships, who escorted her to safety. The Franklin suffered over 1,200 casualties, and was the most heavily damaged US ship in the war to survive.

National Defense provides authoritative, non-partisan coverage of business and technology trends in defense and homeland security. A highly regarded news source for defense professionals in government and industry, National Defense offers insight and analysis on defense programmes, policy, business, science and technology.

Us Navy Asked Carnival Cruise Line For Advice On Maintenance Issues

Special reports by expert journalists focus on defense budgets, military tactics, doctrine and strategy. One of the Alaska's Curtiss SC-1 floatplanes taxiing up to the ship to be picked up by the aircraft crane. This photo was taken during operations off Iwo Jima in March 1945. Courtesy Naval History and Heritage Command.

“U.S. and other observers generally assess that while the United States today has more naval capability overall, China's naval modernization effort … has substantially reduced the U.S. advantage, and that if current U.S. and Chinese naval capability trend lines do not change, China might eventually draw even with or surpass the United States,”

We already know how this is likely to play out. "The Flight III DDGs will replace the cruisers at least initially, and then the DDG(X) will take over as the primary 'large surface combatant' class," explained Bryan McGrath, director of the FerryBridge Group naval consultancy in Maryland.

"There is no doubt that they've been investing hugely in this," said Nick Childs, senior fellow for naval forces and maritime security at the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. "In recent years, they've been outbuilding everybody."

That could include a more dispersed pattern of force deployments, greater numbers of anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles, less reliance on forward-deployed aircraft carriers, and a greater reliance on unmanned systems, submarines and anti-submarine warfare capabilities, he suggested

. As General Douglas MacArthur's campaign on Luzon was underway, news of the Palawan massacre produced a call to action to save thousands of Allied POWs and civilian internees from a similar fate. With the extraordinary assistance of Filipino guerrillas, four daring raids were launched behind Japanese lines to liberate those camps.

Queen Elizabeth-Class Aircraft Carrier - Wikipedia

Looking ahead, the service has plans for a new multi-mission frigate known as FFG(X). A contract award for design and construction of the vessel — which is expected to be equipped with the advanced Aegis weapon system — is slated for this year.

In contrast, China's navy has more-limited responsibilities outside China's near-seas region, and its ships are all homeported along China's coast at locations that face directly onto China's near-seas region," said Ronald O'Rourke, a naval specialist at the

Congressional Research Service. Both the United States and Chinese navies are beefing up their weapons arsenals to avoid being outgunned if their great power competition turns hot. China is believed to be fielding advanced anti-ship ballistic missiles, including the Dong Feng-26 with a maximum range of about 2,160 nautical miles, said Ronald O'Rourke, a naval specialist at the Congressional Research Service.

Alaska and Guam left the United States and joined up with Task Force 58 at the Ulithi Atoll fleet anchorage in February and March 1945, respectively. Since the Imperial Japanese Navy was almost all at the bottom of the Pacific by this point in the war, the ships provided anti-aircraft defense for the aircraft carriers and took part in shore bombardment missions.

For the Alaska and Guam, there would be no battle against Japanese battlecruisers, trading salvo for salvo in an epic struggle for supremacy of the seas. View of the USS Intrepid (CV-11) on fire after she was hit by Japanese bombs on April 16, 1945. This photograph was taken from the Alaska as a Fletcher-class destroyer steamed by.

Courtesy Naval History and Heritage Command. "Chinese aircraft carriers could be used for power-projection operations," he said. However, “in a combat situation involving opposing U.S. naval and air forces, Chinese aircraft carriers would be highly vulnerable to attack by U.S.

ships and aircraft. But conducting such attacks could divert U.S. ships and aircraft from performing other missions in a conflict situation.” The United States currently has 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, and is acquiring new Ford-class platforms, which are designed to enable a 33 percent increase in sortie generation rate relative to legacy vessels.

The lead ship, the USS Gerald R. Ford, is undergoing post-delivery tests and trials. Follow-on ships John F. Kennedy, Enterprise and The so-called "mini Aegis destroyer" is to be equipped with advanced radar and other electronic systems, a 30 mm cannon, air-defense weapons, and a variety of munitions including anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine torpedoes.

It will be able to reach speeds of 42 knots and have a range of 500 nautical miles, according to the report.

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Aircraft Cost Calculator

Aircraft Cost Calculator

Aircraft Cost Calculator - LINCOLN, Neb., March 16, 2017 /PRNewswire/ – Sandhills Publishing announces an alliance with Aircraft Cost Calculator (, a data-based application that provides operating cost estimates for over 500 piston, turboprop, jet, and commercial aircraft. The application complements the company's numerous cloud-based products and services available through the Sandhills Cloud—a comprehensive platform of business solutions and resources available to manufacturers, dealers, brokers, and service providers in the agriculture, construction, and commercial trucking industries, as well

as the aviation industry. MILWAUKEE, Wis.—Just before the 2015 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition in November, Aircraft Cost Calculator (ACC), provider of aircraft operating cost software, announced it has joined the National Aircraft Resale Association (NARA) as a Products and Services Member.

Aircraft Cost Calculator

Cost Calculator Euro - Free Photo On Pixabay

NARA Products and Services Members are selected from the most admired and experienced providers of products and services to business aircraft owners and operators. ACC allows owners and prospective owners to calculate the costs of full ownership, fractional ownership, ownership through leasing, or a combination of all of these.

Buying Or Selling An Aircraft? Then You Should Have This

Features include Fair Market Price Value depreciation and the cost of capital over the life of aircraft ownership. A special feature within the program called Trip Cost Calculator clearly shows the cost savings associated with business aviation.

One of the unique benefits of ACC is the ability to "insert your own specific operating numbers" in any of the pre-populated fields to achieve accurate operating numbers for your particular aircraft and/or flight department. Manually, this analysis can take hours, days, even weeks.

ACC delivers it in just minutes! ACC easily pays for itself in time savings alone - and can be the key to saving you thousands on your aircraft investment. 10/10 app. And there is also a calculator with many other keys and letters, and I love it, as someone who is very picky when it comes to homework helper apps, this is the easiest one, being a student in senior class, I am glad of presence

of the app as I can use it to cross check my answers. About Sandhills Publishing Sandhills Publishing is an information processing company headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska. Our broad range of products and services gather, process, and distribute information in the form of trade publications and corresponding websites that connect buyers and sellers across the trucking, agriculture, construction, heavy equipment, aviation, and technology industries.

Travel Cost Calculation Concept. Toy Plane, Earth Globe And Calculator On  Wooden Table Stock Photo - Alamy

Our integrated, industry-specific approach to hosted technologies and services offers solutions that help businesses large and small operate efficiently and grow securely, cost-effectively, and successfully. Sandhills Publishing—we are the cloud. MAS is understood to have decided to phase out its six Airbus A380s over time in an effort to reduce its long-haul capacity and to focus on a more regional network, a significant part of its restructuring.

According to one senior airline source, MAS and Turkish Airlines have been talking about a lease deal for two Malaysian aircraft as Turkish expands its long-haul capacity. MAS said on Friday that it is "still working to finalize the business plan" and that "exploring fleet options to enhance viability of long-haul sectors is one area being looked into."

Actually made my calculations much easier. I love it. Amazing speed of calculating and can solve WAAAY more calculations than any regular calculator, and this helped me out alot, app is a brilliant educational application. But really helpful 😃 it is worth downloading.

The first ever PC-24 Super Versatile Jet took off on its maiden flight May 11, at 10:00 local time from Buochs ​​airport. Just under 1800 Pilatus staff, all of whom are directly or indirectly involved in the PC-24 project, were there to applaud the business jet as it taxied for takeoff.

Prototype P01, call sign HB-VXA, flew across central Switzerland for a total of 55 minutes. The flight went exactly as planned with no problems whatsoever. Aircraft Cost Calculator, founded by Chris Doerr in August 2011, offers aviation's most accurate and comprehensive operating cost figures through an accessible, user-friendly format that compiles and distributes data to owners, operators, dealers, brokers, flight departments, financial institutions, and

charter operations. Aircraft Cost Calculator's database features hundreds of aircraft and helicopters to provide the most comprehensive data in the industry, including average preowned pricing, fuel pricing, maintenance costs, crew expenses, insurance calculations, and more. Its practical, mobile platform enables users to generate thorough, professionally formatted cost calculations for both internal use and for clients.

Just How Much Does It Cost To Fly In Private Jet? By Eliza Brown - Issuu

"The alliance with Sandhills Publishing allows Aircraft Cost Calculator to begin collecting thousands of individual data points, allowing Aircraft Cost Calculator to compile the most accurate real-world operating cost information in the industry," says Doerr. "This alliance also solidifies our commitment to serving current and future clients."

Wilhelm said on Thursday that the move was "a fleet-planning decision by a customer." Airbus separately said that the aircraft "has enjoyed great success with MAS and is extremely popular with the airline's customers." IAG CEO Willie Walsh separately said on the same day that in principle he would be open to considering second-hand A380s, but that decision is still a few years out, in his opinion.

Consider a client looking at an XLS+ for a purchase price of $8,000,000. If the client borrows $5,000,000 towards the purchase price at an interest rate of 3% over 120 months he'll have an additional $579,364 of "fixed" costs per year.

Whereas the client who considers the older Citation III may not need any financing component given that they can be bought for $800,000 with like new paint and interior. Sandhills' niche aviation products—Controller, Executive Controller (, and Charter Hub (—have served buyers, sellers, travelers, and operators for over 30 years.

Backed by the Sandhills Cloud, a suite of cloud-based tools and resources, the company delivers a range of solutions that simplify internal workflow, data management and processing, inventory oversight, lead generation and marketing, and sales transactions.

The addition of practical, accessible, thorough data calculations enhances the value of these already-extensive offerings. "We work hard to offer the aviation industry a useful, one-stop-shop mobile solution with accurate, real-world data to increase productivity and profitability," said ACC Founder and CEO Chris Doerr.

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"NARA represents the best of the best, and we are thrilled to be working alongside other prestigious members while continuing to provide a superior product and customer service." Once confirmed, MAS will be the first airline to decide to retire an operational A380 fleet.

In addition to Skymark, other orders have been cancelled, including those by Hong Kong Airlines and Kingfisher. Air France and Lufthansa have reduced the number of units they will take. On the other hand, Emirates continues to expand its A380 fleet and now has a total of 140 aircraft on firm order.

But contrary to Wilhelm's remarks, the availability of six very young second-hand A380s on the market must be highly unwelcome news for Airbus as it struggles to find new customers for the aircraft. Airbus is already dealing with remarketing six A380s coming from the canceled Skymark order, some of which have already been built.

It is also facing the very real prospect that Turkish Airlines may opt to at least partially go for used aircraft, rather than the fleet of all-new A380s it has also been considering. Pricing power, too, will be affected, in campaigns in which the MAS aircraft arises as an option.

"Every member at NARA commits to our strict code of conducting business, and we are proud of that continue to align this association with the most respected aviation companies in the industry," he said NARA Membership Chair and President of Axiom Aviation Andrew Toy.

"We offer a warm welcome to the new company member representatives, and I personally look forward to working with them to make NARA even more successful in the future." Take a look inside this one of a kind Gulfstream G550 for sale by Global Jet Monaco!

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This 2004 G550 has Rolls Royce engines, Honeywell APU, top of the line avionics, and so many more features! We'll post a couple of photos of the interior so you get a good look at your next jet!

In the end, buyers and sellers taking advantage of Controller's products and services as well as existing Aircraft Cost Calculator customers will continue to leverage the solutions that have historically been available from both entities, even as offerings expand.

The union of Controller and Aircraft Cost Calculator falls into a larger vision for both companies: To evolve the way buyers and sellers transact aircraft and aircraft services in the global marketplace. The next piece that needs to be considered is residual value.

It's hard to believe that the Citation III has lost nearly 80% of its value in the past 10 years. In 2005-2007 I was selling Citation III's for $3,500,000-$3,900,000 - crazy! An $8,000,000+ asset has much more room to go down in value than an $800,000 asset.

So, let's assume that the $8,000,000 XLS+ might loose 5% per year and to keep it apples to apples, we'll assume the same on the $800,000 Citation III. The math on this equates to losing $361,950 per year on the XLS+ versus only $22,602 per year on the Citation III.

"Aircraft Cost Calculator is an incredibly valuable tool that provides real-world operating cost numbers for aircraft across the spectrum," explains Controller's Brant Washburn. "It enables our customers to be better in tune with the market, and calculate more accurate cost projections, whether they're charter operators managing a bottom line, sellers seeking thorough and accurate data for clients, or buyers making a purchasing decision."

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So we all know that newer is better, right? Newer is less to operate, newer is preferred by charter clients, newer is perceived as "safer" - all of these things are typically thought of when we encounter "new/green" clients.

But, when you start looking at the economics, newer is not necessarily "less" expensive to operate. For purposes of this post, let's define "newer" as less than 10 years old and "older" more than 15 years old.

Please enter the purchase details of your aircraft into our Aircraft Calculator to figure out your monthly payment. This is for estimation purposes only and may not reflect our loan rate. Please call or request a quote for the current rates and terms on your purchase.

Okay, but what about the variable costs per hour? Or the costs to maintain the airplane? Hands down, the Citation XLS+ is less to operate is much more efficient. Assuming an owner is going to fly 350 hours domestically, you'd have about $95,000 of airframe maintenance on the XLS+ versus $262,000 on the Citation III.

Engine and APU maintenance would also be significantly less on the XLS+ ($137,557 versus $203,889). Users of the AOPA Aircraft Valuation Service agree to hold AOPA and VREF harmless from any and all liability related in any way to the use of the service.

Click the button below to launch the free AOPA VREF Valuation Estimate app.

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Aircraft Fairing

Aircraft Fairing

Aircraft Fairing - An aircraft fairing is a structure that serves to produce a smooth outline and diminish drag on aircraft surfaces. Fairing's primary functions are as covers for gaps and spaces between parts of an aircraft to reduce both form drag and interference drag while improving appearance.

When you stand sideways on most aircraft wings, you'll notice that the upper surface is curved. The depth of the curve is called camber. A greater camber means a more pronounced curve in the wing's top surface.

Aircraft Fairing

Aircraft Design - What Is The Purpose Of The Sharp Pods Under Airliner  Wings? - Aviation Stack Exchange

Ailerons move up and down to change the chord line at the end of each wing. When the cord line is altered, this changes the airflow going over the wing. When an aileron is up, its corresponding wing is pulled down.

Aircraft Fairings And Their Types

Flaps often have several different settings. These settings can be altered based on the phase of flight and desired flight characteristics. The larger stages of flap, often called 'drag flap,' are used to slow the aircraft down to final approach speed.

Wings are more than two flat panels sticking out of the side of the aircraft, there is a surprising number of parts of a wing, and each performs a vital task. The next time you fly, you'll know what each part does and the effect it has.

Want to learn more about airplane parts and principles of flight? Why not check out our free ultimate guide to becoming a pilot. Some slats actually create a large gap in the wing's leading edge. While you might not think a gap in the wing is a good thing, it actually makes the wing more efficient.

The slot delays the airflow from detaching from the wing, producing lift for a lot longer! Spoilers increase drag over the wing. If you are familiar with flight principles, you'll know that drag makes level flight harder.

Final Thoughts

If you increase the drag on only one wing, it will descend, creating a rolling motion. Flaps move symmetrically, reward and downwards. As a result, the surface area of ​​the wing, as well as its camber, is increased.

Airasia India Plane's Fairing Panel Found Missing; Dgca Orders Probe

This means that the wing produces more lift, staying airborne at much slower speeds. "We Proudly Support Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund that serves United States Military Personnel experiencing the Invisible Wounds of War: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress (PTS).

Please visit website ( and help in their valiant effort”. Let's start outside the aircraft, facing the airplane sideways at the very end of the wing. This section is called the wingtip. The wingtips are the furthest point of the wing from the aircraft's body.

If you have ever sat over a wing during a flight, you'll have noticed a fair amount of movement of different panels and parts of the wing. Each of these moving parts has a name and performs a specific function.

How Flaps Work

They are called flight control surfaces. 12. Wheel Fairings - Also known as wheel pants or speed fairings, these provide a smooth surface & a faired nose and tail for laminar flow to reduce the turbulence created by the wheel and the adjacent landing gear legs and brakes.

The drawback of these fairings is that they increase the frontal surface area, which slightly harms their drag-reducing capabilities. However, wheel fairings have the added benefit of preventing debris from being thrown upwards against the wings or fuselage, or into the propeller.

10. Wing Root Fairings - Wing root fairings are in place to reduce interference drag between the wing and fuselage. Typically both above and below the wing, wing roots consist of rounded edges to reduce the surface and friction drag.

Wing roots smooth out the high pressure at the leading and trailing edge, and the low pressure atop the wing and around the fuselage. While they help to enhance the appearance of an aircraft's wing, flap track fairings house the inboard and outboard flaps on fixed-wing aircraft.

Making Aircraft Fairings - Youtube

Wing Tips

Aircraft flaps play an integral role in the operational function of its wings. They consist of a hinged panel or panels installed on the edge of each wing. When these flaps are extended, they increase camber, which directly results in an increase of both lift and drag, as well as a reduction in stall speed.

More than that, they serve as a secondary structure that not only provides an aerodynamic cover, but a deposit for storage. These canoe-like flaps contain the jackscrew, gearbox, carriages, and other mounting bracketry. Most aircraft store these components within these structures, with the exception of McDonnell Douglas aircraft, which have specialized vertical fairings that protect the hydraulic actuators.

"We Proudly Support Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund that serves United States Military Personnel experiencing the Invisible Wounds of War: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress (PTS). Please visit website ( and help in their valiant effort”.

For fairings of all types, look no further than ASAP Aviation Procurement. We are a premier supplier of all types of aviation parts, NSN parts, electronics parts, and much more for various military and civilian applications.

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Owned and operated by ASAP Semiconductor, we can help you find all types of unique parts for the aerospace, civil aviation, defense, industrial, electronics, and IT hardware industries. Our dedicated account managers are standing by to help you find all the parts and equipment you need, 24/7-365.

For a quick and competitive quote, email us at or call us at 1-702-919-1616. 4. Engine Cowlings - Engine cowlings reduce the surface area of ​​the engine, thereby reducing parasitic drag. They create a smooth surface which leads to laminar flow, and a nose cone shape which prevents early flow separation.

Combination of the nozzle and inlet results in a reduction of isotropic speed around the cooling fins due to the speed-squared law and a reduction in cooling drag. While aircraft of the past have not had as many of the same luxuries provided to them in comparison to modern flap track fairings, they are garnering popularity for a number of reasons while regularly being implemented for the design of aircraft wings.

Fairing, Wing Leading Edge – Cessna 195 | Spring Aviation Ltd.

One of these reasons includes the fact that a flap track fairing's structure assists with the flow of an aircraft's fuselage in multiple directions while simultaneously mitigating various forms of drag like wave drag, interference drag, and engine cooling drag.

What Are Flaps On Aircraft?

The functional characteristics of flap track fairings play a major role in the design, certification, and operational aspects of most aircraft. Additionally, their implementation reduces the unevenness of aircraft body surfaces, providing a sleek cover for gaps that form between the joints of part structures.

The compact and concealed nature of flap track fairings increases the speed and efficiency of the aircraft. The wing spar is crucial to the structural integrity of the wing. You normally won't see the spar, as it forms the internal 'backbone' of an airplane wing.

They are usually extremely strong, and in some cases, are designed to flex to allow for a smoother ride in turbulence. Flaps are large panels located on the trailing edge of the wing that are used to increase the size and shape of the wing, as well as the chord line.

They enable the aircraft to fly slower and give the pilots a better view for landing. They are also used for takeoff. Aircraft wings are a feat of modern engineering. Without them, flight simply couldn't take place.

What Are Slats?

There are actually many parts to a wing. Different aircraft have different shapes and styles of the wing, but the general principle is the same. Today we will talk you through parts of a wing and give a detailed explanation of some technical terms too!

1. Belly Fairings - These fairings, also known as ventral fairings, are located between the main wings on the underside of the fuselage. Bell fairings can also be used to cover additional cargo storage areas or fuel tanks.

Flap Track Fairings Hi-Res Stock Photography And Images - Alamy

7. Flap Track Fairings - Flap track fairings are found on jet airliners and other subsonic aircraft. When operating at transonic speeds between Mach 0.8 and 1.2, these fairings minimize wave drag through a process known as area rule.

Not all aircraft have these structures under their wings, as the design of the flap mechanism varies according to the manufacturer. But on most Boeing, Airbus, and McDonnell Douglas aircraft that do have these structures, the principle is the same—to provide an aerodynamic cover which in turn reduces drag.

Leading Edge

Slats are also high lift devices. But, unlike flaps, they are located on the leading edge of the aircraft wing. Like flaps, slats move symmetrically and allow the aircraft to fly slower. Not all aircraft have slats, and you'll usually find them on larger commercial aircraft.

If we stand at the rear of the aircraft, we can see the backs of the wings. These are called the trailing edge. The trailing edges of an airplane wing are usually very thin compared to the leading edge.

Preceding such information, the rising demand for specialized flap track fairings and aerodynamic structures alike have driven their market size up. With the introduction of a new generation of aircraft carriers, a surplus of aircraft manufacturers are producing lightweight components like flap track fairings to reduce aircraft weight and increase fuel efficiency.

The complexity of flap track fairings differ based on the specific type of aircraft, model, fairing application areas, and the number of fairings used. For instance, general aviation airliners have fewer complex fairings, whereas commercial aircraft usually have more complex fairings that fulfill particular application requirements.

Nevertheless, a flap trap fairing assembly is constructed following a prepreg lay-up and is the preferred assembly process for most aircraft fairings. This is due to their complex assembly and their need for specialized fabrication of composite parts and various equipment.

What Are The Pods Found Under An Aircraft's Wings?

If you ask most people who have flown, they would probably say they have seen these "pod-like" structures under the wings of an aircraft. Some people assume that they hold fuel. This is not correct, but in fact, they house the workings of the inboard and outboard flaps.

Within these structures, the jackscrew, carriages, gearboxes, and associated mounting bracketry are very un-aerodynamic. Therefore, the canoe-like fairings cover them. We'll now walk to the front of the aircraft, so it is pointing nose towards us.

When viewing the wings from this angle, we can see the front of the wings. This section is called the leading edge. The leading edge is always the forward part of the wing. Flap track fairings are affixed with flashy tips which serve to prevent accidents during on-ground handling operations, such as those executed by belt loaders, aircraft marshals, and cargo transporters.

These tips can be painted on or applied with an adhesive, and can be made reflective for optimal use during overnight flights. Like most other parts of an aircraft, flap track fairings are made from composite materials that supply high strength, low weight, and corrosion resistant properties.

More than that, they are made to encase and protect various aircraft components. This includes the gearbox, a device which controls the speed of the aircraft, as well as the jackscrew which serves to raise and lower the horizontal stabilizers of an aircraft.

When the aircraft touches down, you may see the spoilers fully deploy. This kills all of the lift created by the wings and ensures that all of the aircraft's weight is on the wheels, shortening stopping distance.

If you have ever flown in an aircraft with a window seat capable of viewing one of its wings, then you have definitely seen an aircraft's flap track fairings at work. At first glance, if you are not familiar with their function, you might assume flap track fairings serve to hold air fuel or act as an accessory for the aileron or wing.

In this blog, to better understand how these parts work, we will be covering the function and importance of flap track fairings.

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Aircraft Cost Calculator

Aircraft Cost Calculator

Aircraft Cost Calculator - LINCOLN, Neb., March 16, 2017 /PRNewswire/ – Sandhills Publishing announces an alliance with Aircraft Cost Calculator (, a data-based application that provides operating cost estimates for over 500 piston, turboprop, jet, and commercial aircraft. The application complements the company's numerous cloud-based products and services available through the Sandhills Cloud—a comprehensive platform of business solutions and resources available to manufacturers, dealers, brokers, and service providers in the agriculture, construction, and commercial trucking industries, as well

as the aviation industry. MILWAUKEE, Wis.—Just before the 2015 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition in November, Aircraft Cost Calculator (ACC), provider of aircraft operating cost software, announced it has joined the National Aircraft Resale Association (NARA) as a Products and Services Member.

Aircraft Cost Calculator

Cost Calculator Euro - Free Photo On Pixabay

NARA Products and Services Members are selected from the most admired and experienced providers of products and services to business aircraft owners and operators. ACC allows owners and prospective owners to calculate the costs of full ownership, fractional ownership, ownership through leasing, or a combination of all of these.

Buying Or Selling An Aircraft? Then You Should Have This

Features include Fair Market Price Value depreciation and the cost of capital over the life of aircraft ownership. A special feature within the program called Trip Cost Calculator clearly shows the cost savings associated with business aviation.

One of the unique benefits of ACC is the ability to "insert your own specific operating numbers" in any of the pre-populated fields to achieve accurate operating numbers for your particular aircraft and/or flight department. Manually, this analysis can take hours, days, even weeks.

ACC delivers it in just minutes! ACC easily pays for itself in time savings alone - and can be the key to saving you thousands on your aircraft investment. 10/10 app. And there is also a calculator with many other keys and letters, and I love it, as someone who is very picky when it comes to homework helper apps, this is the easiest one, being a student in senior class, I am glad of presence

of the app as I can use it to cross check my answers. About Sandhills Publishing Sandhills Publishing is an information processing company headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska. Our broad range of products and services gather, process, and distribute information in the form of trade publications and corresponding websites that connect buyers and sellers across the trucking, agriculture, construction, heavy equipment, aviation, and technology industries.

Travel Cost Calculation Concept. Toy Plane, Earth Globe And Calculator On  Wooden Table Stock Photo - Alamy

Our integrated, industry-specific approach to hosted technologies and services offers solutions that help businesses large and small operate efficiently and grow securely, cost-effectively, and successfully. Sandhills Publishing—we are the cloud. MAS is understood to have decided to phase out its six Airbus A380s over time in an effort to reduce its long-haul capacity and to focus on a more regional network, a significant part of its restructuring.

According to one senior airline source, MAS and Turkish Airlines have been talking about a lease deal for two Malaysian aircraft as Turkish expands its long-haul capacity. MAS said on Friday that it is "still working to finalize the business plan" and that "exploring fleet options to enhance viability of long-haul sectors is one area being looked into."

Actually made my calculations much easier. I love it. Amazing speed of calculating and can solve WAAAY more calculations than any regular calculator, and this helped me out alot, app is a brilliant educational application. But really helpful 😃 it is worth downloading.

The first ever PC-24 Super Versatile Jet took off on its maiden flight May 11, at 10:00 local time from Buochs ​​airport. Just under 1800 Pilatus staff, all of whom are directly or indirectly involved in the PC-24 project, were there to applaud the business jet as it taxied for takeoff.

Prototype P01, call sign HB-VXA, flew across central Switzerland for a total of 55 minutes. The flight went exactly as planned with no problems whatsoever. Aircraft Cost Calculator, founded by Chris Doerr in August 2011, offers aviation's most accurate and comprehensive operating cost figures through an accessible, user-friendly format that compiles and distributes data to owners, operators, dealers, brokers, flight departments, financial institutions, and

charter operations. Aircraft Cost Calculator's database features hundreds of aircraft and helicopters to provide the most comprehensive data in the industry, including average preowned pricing, fuel pricing, maintenance costs, crew expenses, insurance calculations, and more. Its practical, mobile platform enables users to generate thorough, professionally formatted cost calculations for both internal use and for clients.

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"The alliance with Sandhills Publishing allows Aircraft Cost Calculator to begin collecting thousands of individual data points, allowing Aircraft Cost Calculator to compile the most accurate real-world operating cost information in the industry," says Doerr. "This alliance also solidifies our commitment to serving current and future clients."

Wilhelm said on Thursday that the move was "a fleet-planning decision by a customer." Airbus separately said that the aircraft "has enjoyed great success with MAS and is extremely popular with the airline's customers." IAG CEO Willie Walsh separately said on the same day that in principle he would be open to considering second-hand A380s, but that decision is still a few years out, in his opinion.

Consider a client looking at an XLS+ for a purchase price of $8,000,000. If the client borrows $5,000,000 towards the purchase price at an interest rate of 3% over 120 months he'll have an additional $579,364 of "fixed" costs per year.

Whereas the client who considers the older Citation III may not need any financing component given that they can be bought for $800,000 with like new paint and interior. Sandhills' niche aviation products—Controller, Executive Controller (, and Charter Hub (—have served buyers, sellers, travelers, and operators for over 30 years.

Backed by the Sandhills Cloud, a suite of cloud-based tools and resources, the company delivers a range of solutions that simplify internal workflow, data management and processing, inventory oversight, lead generation and marketing, and sales transactions.

The addition of practical, accessible, thorough data calculations enhances the value of these already-extensive offerings. "We work hard to offer the aviation industry a useful, one-stop-shop mobile solution with accurate, real-world data to increase productivity and profitability," said ACC Founder and CEO Chris Doerr.

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"NARA represents the best of the best, and we are thrilled to be working alongside other prestigious members while continuing to provide a superior product and customer service." Once confirmed, MAS will be the first airline to decide to retire an operational A380 fleet.

In addition to Skymark, other orders have been cancelled, including those by Hong Kong Airlines and Kingfisher. Air France and Lufthansa have reduced the number of units they will take. On the other hand, Emirates continues to expand its A380 fleet and now has a total of 140 aircraft on firm order.

But contrary to Wilhelm's remarks, the availability of six very young second-hand A380s on the market must be highly unwelcome news for Airbus as it struggles to find new customers for the aircraft. Airbus is already dealing with remarketing six A380s coming from the canceled Skymark order, some of which have already been built.

It is also facing the very real prospect that Turkish Airlines may opt to at least partially go for used aircraft, rather than the fleet of all-new A380s it has also been considering. Pricing power, too, will be affected, in campaigns in which the MAS aircraft arises as an option.

"Every member at NARA commits to our strict code of conducting business, and we are proud of that continue to align this association with the most respected aviation companies in the industry," he said NARA Membership Chair and President of Axiom Aviation Andrew Toy.

"We offer a warm welcome to the new company member representatives, and I personally look forward to working with them to make NARA even more successful in the future." Take a look inside this one of a kind Gulfstream G550 for sale by Global Jet Monaco!

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This 2004 G550 has Rolls Royce engines, Honeywell APU, top of the line avionics, and so many more features! We'll post a couple of photos of the interior so you get a good look at your next jet!

In the end, buyers and sellers taking advantage of Controller's products and services as well as existing Aircraft Cost Calculator customers will continue to leverage the solutions that have historically been available from both entities, even as offerings expand.

The union of Controller and Aircraft Cost Calculator falls into a larger vision for both companies: To evolve the way buyers and sellers transact aircraft and aircraft services in the global marketplace. The next piece that needs to be considered is residual value.

It's hard to believe that the Citation III has lost nearly 80% of its value in the past 10 years. In 2005-2007 I was selling Citation III's for $3,500,000-$3,900,000 - crazy! An $8,000,000+ asset has much more room to go down in value than an $800,000 asset.

So, let's assume that the $8,000,000 XLS+ might loose 5% per year and to keep it apples to apples, we'll assume the same on the $800,000 Citation III. The math on this equates to losing $361,950 per year on the XLS+ versus only $22,602 per year on the Citation III.

"Aircraft Cost Calculator is an incredibly valuable tool that provides real-world operating cost numbers for aircraft across the spectrum," explains Controller's Brant Washburn. "It enables our customers to be better in tune with the market, and calculate more accurate cost projections, whether they're charter operators managing a bottom line, sellers seeking thorough and accurate data for clients, or buyers making a purchasing decision."

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So we all know that newer is better, right? Newer is less to operate, newer is preferred by charter clients, newer is perceived as "safer" - all of these things are typically thought of when we encounter "new/green" clients.

But, when you start looking at the economics, newer is not necessarily "less" expensive to operate. For purposes of this post, let's define "newer" as less than 10 years old and "older" more than 15 years old.

Please enter the purchase details of your aircraft into our Aircraft Calculator to figure out your monthly payment. This is for estimation purposes only and may not reflect our loan rate. Please call or request a quote for the current rates and terms on your purchase.

Okay, but what about the variable costs per hour? Or the costs to maintain the airplane? Hands down, the Citation XLS+ is less to operate is much more efficient. Assuming an owner is going to fly 350 hours domestically, you'd have about $95,000 of airframe maintenance on the XLS+ versus $262,000 on the Citation III.

Engine and APU maintenance would also be significantly less on the XLS+ ($137,557 versus $203,889). Users of the AOPA Aircraft Valuation Service agree to hold AOPA and VREF harmless from any and all liability related in any way to the use of the service.

Click the button below to launch the free AOPA VREF Valuation Estimate app.

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